Porcelain mixing palette

Here you will find all information about the discontinued variants of the Porcelain mixing palette series

Porcelain mixing palette

Item number 10510000
Porcelain mixing palette
Item number 10510000
Use Porcelain
Dimensions (W x H x D) (Tray) ≈ 155 x 95 mm
≈ 6.10 x 3.74"
Moistening system Without moistening
Palette material Glazed porcelain
Item number
Dimensions (W x H x D) (Tray)
≈ 155 x 95 mm
≈ 6.10 x 3.74"
Moistening system
Without moistening
Palette material
Glazed porcelain

Technical data

Porcelain mixing palette
Item number 10510000
Use Porcelain
Dimensions (W x H x D) (Tray) ≈ 155 x 95 mm
≈ 6.10 x 3.74"
Moistening system Without moistening
Palette material Glazed porcelain
Item number
Dimensions (W x H x D) (Tray)
≈ 155 x 95 mm
≈ 6.10 x 3.74"
Moistening system
Without moistening
Palette material
Glazed porcelain
  • Catalogue

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